Automation Integrations - Logs & Retry
Show log of Integration automations and ability to retry and failed automations.
Luke Wakefield About 1 month ago
Automation Integrations - Logs & Retry
Show log of Integration automations and ability to retry and failed automations.
Luke Wakefield About 1 month ago
Pages - Custom Fields
Page metadata can support nested info, and therefore would be fantastic to have structured data in pages, which would allow clients to easily edit content in a safe CMS based environment without having to go in the visual editor or code, which has caused clients to break layouts in the past, which normally leads us to recommend to clients to not touch pages unless they know what they're doing. As a solution to this, we have often created Webapps with a single item in for the client to mange. Not only does this clutter up Webapps, but it takes the data out of context, and if not properly maintained, can cause fields to be redundant and not used as the site is updated. Structure like this would be fantastic: It would also be a mega bonus to not have the fields named customfield2. It makes things so much harder.
Josh Carter 4 months ago
Pages - Custom Fields
Page metadata can support nested info, and therefore would be fantastic to have structured data in pages, which would allow clients to easily edit content in a safe CMS based environment without having to go in the visual editor or code, which has caused clients to break layouts in the past, which normally leads us to recommend to clients to not touch pages unless they know what they're doing. As a solution to this, we have often created Webapps with a single item in for the client to mange. Not only does this clutter up Webapps, but it takes the data out of context, and if not properly maintained, can cause fields to be redundant and not used as the site is updated. Structure like this would be fantastic: It would also be a mega bonus to not have the fields named customfield2. It makes things so much harder.
Josh Carter 4 months ago
Select Secure Zones with permissions to access front end edit forms for modules and webapps.
We currently have "anyone can edit" or owner/creator can edit as options. More commonly, a requirement would be that only members of a trusted Secure Zone would be allowed to edit front end. Could we add a third option to modules/ webapps in Siteglide Admin, allowing us to officially set an array of secure zone ids which can access each webapp/module edit forms when logged in? While this is possible already with custom code, adding built in support will be convenient and allow SiteBuilder support.
Matt Jones 4 months ago
Select Secure Zones with permissions to access front end edit forms for modules and webapps.
We currently have "anyone can edit" or owner/creator can edit as options. More commonly, a requirement would be that only members of a trusted Secure Zone would be allowed to edit front end. Could we add a third option to modules/ webapps in Siteglide Admin, allowing us to officially set an array of secure zone ids which can access each webapp/module edit forms when logged in? While this is possible already with custom code, adding built in support will be convenient and allow SiteBuilder support.
Matt Jones 4 months ago
Semble - Medical record & appointment - Requirement to send and create new patient data on this platform
Jon Macmorland 3 months ago
Semble - Medical record & appointment - Requirement to send and create new patient data on this platform
Jon Macmorland 3 months ago
Duplicate Page
It would be nice to add the ability to duplicate a page from the CMS Pages list rather than have to open the page and then copy.
Steve Johnson 5 months ago
Duplicate Page
It would be nice to add the ability to duplicate a page from the CMS Pages list rather than have to open the page and then copy.
Steve Johnson 5 months ago
SEO - Addition of auto Schema layout to website
Using the fields in the Company Information menu would we be able to populate a basic business schema layout so this could be added to the with a liquid tag? Extra fileds may be required for opening hours etc,
Jon Macmorland 5 months ago
SEO - Addition of auto Schema layout to website
Using the fields in the Company Information menu would we be able to populate a basic business schema layout so this could be added to the with a liquid tag? Extra fileds may be required for opening hours etc,
Jon Macmorland 5 months ago
Automating form submissions & CRM users to store entries.
We want the form entries & CRM users to be automatically saved in a Google sheet or any other selected tool. When users fill out the forms, the data should be stored automatically in the sheet or respective application.
Amol 5 months ago
Automating form submissions & CRM users to store entries.
We want the form entries & CRM users to be automatically saved in a Google sheet or any other selected tool. When users fill out the forms, the data should be stored automatically in the sheet or respective application.
Amol 5 months ago
HighLevel Automation/Integration
Need specific examples on what data would be sent to HighLevel or received from it.
Jon Macmorland 5 months ago
HighLevel Automation/Integration
Need specific examples on what data would be sent to HighLevel or received from it.
Jon Macmorland 5 months ago
Subscription extended functionality
Products, like most modules and webapps allow the addition of custom fields and automations. Subscription don't have these, nor currencies. This means that any additional information like currency symbol, features, default etc need to be stored in a web app, or hard coded in the layout based on id, weighting etc which makes the coding much more complex and not very robust to changes.
Rox Dawson 9 months ago
Subscription extended functionality
Products, like most modules and webapps allow the addition of custom fields and automations. Subscription don't have these, nor currencies. This means that any additional information like currency symbol, features, default etc need to be stored in a web app, or hard coded in the layout based on id, weighting etc which makes the coding much more complex and not very robust to changes.
Rox Dawson 9 months ago
Apply Page Templates
Provide functionality to either: Apply a template to a range of pages (could be in the page list, where the user selects pages and then applies a template - current only option is delete; or in the template select the pages to apply it to) Allow pages to select the default template as their template, rather than a specific template. BC used to do this I think. At the moment default template means nothing.
Rox Dawson 10 months ago
Apply Page Templates
Provide functionality to either: Apply a template to a range of pages (could be in the page list, where the user selects pages and then applies a template - current only option is delete; or in the template select the pages to apply it to) Allow pages to select the default template as their template, rather than a specific template. BC used to do this I think. At the moment default template means nothing.
Rox Dawson 10 months ago
eCommerce - 4dp support on product prices
Allow for prices to be set in 4dp, so when tax is applied we can arrive at the correct price.
Jon Macmorland 10 months ago
eCommerce - 4dp support on product prices
Allow for prices to be set in 4dp, so when tax is applied we can arrive at the correct price.
Jon Macmorland 10 months ago
Add DATE Filter to filter "Form Submissions" all together in One place.
Hello, modify the forms admin area ? where we want see No. of. Entries/ submissions in specific date range using filter. Please check this screenshot It's required because if we have many forms then it's very difficult and time consuming process to go inside, add the date and then note submissions. For few sites we have 32, 24, 16 forms etc. their we are facing challenges and spending so much time. We wanted this to compare submissions with google conversions.
Sunil 12 months ago
Add DATE Filter to filter "Form Submissions" all together in One place.
Hello, modify the forms admin area ? where we want see No. of. Entries/ submissions in specific date range using filter. Please check this screenshot It's required because if we have many forms then it's very difficult and time consuming process to go inside, add the date and then note submissions. For few sites we have 32, 24, 16 forms etc. their we are facing challenges and spending so much time. We wanted this to compare submissions with google conversions.
Sunil 12 months ago
WebApp Front End Forms - Bug - Support Required Radio Fields
In a WebApp Front End Form with "required" radio fields, the form will not submit even if one of the radio fields is checked. I believe SiteBuilder forms already have a workaround for this, but we should look if there is a fix that can be added for the main system module.
Matt Jones 12 months ago
WebApp Front End Forms - Bug - Support Required Radio Fields
In a WebApp Front End Form with "required" radio fields, the form will not submit even if one of the radio fields is checked. I believe SiteBuilder forms already have a workaround for this, but we should look if there is a fix that can be added for the main system module.
Matt Jones 12 months ago
eCommerce Module - Discount Code Added Alert
The secartdiscountcode JS function allows you to pass a custom success callback function, but whether or not you pass one, it still uses a default JavaScript alert to tell the user if the code is valid. That alert should either be moved inside the default callback function or controlled via a new parameter, so that it is possible to disable it if you are informing users of success with a custom function.
Matt Jones 11 months ago
eCommerce Module - Discount Code Added Alert
The secartdiscountcode JS function allows you to pass a custom success callback function, but whether or not you pass one, it still uses a default JavaScript alert to tell the user if the code is valid. That alert should either be moved inside the default callback function or controlled via a new parameter, so that it is possible to disable it if you are informing users of success with a custom function.
Matt Jones 11 months ago
Add standard table field on orders to pull SKU from products as a separate text field
/tables/builder/module14order Allows us to send SKU as a field via Zapier to accounting apps etc for external inventory control etc.
Jon Macmorland About 1 year ago
Add standard table field on orders to pull SKU from products as a separate text field
/tables/builder/module14order Allows us to send SKU as a field via Zapier to accounting apps etc for external inventory control etc.
Jon Macmorland About 1 year ago
Media Downloads Bug - When changing file and saving, old version of file is still cached in URL
DJ requested this: In case anyone else comes across this bug, we suggested a workaround of creating a new Media Downloads Item, but note that we should look for a long-term fix.
Matt Jones About 1 year ago
Media Downloads Bug - When changing file and saving, old version of file is still cached in URL
DJ requested this: In case anyone else comes across this bug, we suggested a workaround of creating a new Media Downloads Item, but note that we should look for a long-term fix.
Matt Jones About 1 year ago
Siteglide CLI - Treatment of Assets Folder in Pull v.s. Deploy
Clarify if Siteglide-CLI command deploy includes CSS and JS files when -w flag is not used. Expected behaviour: Deploy and Pull default without flags should behave the same way when it comes to the assets folder. Actual behaviour: Pull command treats assets like CSS and JS specially and pulls them even if no flags are added. Larger images like images are not pulled without a flag and I think export command. Deploy requires a flag before deploying these same CSS and JS asset types? If this change is not desirable or possible, let's update the docs to make this clear. Otherwise there can be confusion/ ambiguity when using deploy on live sites where Liquid is pushed without necessary changes to JS.
Matt Jones About 1 year ago
Siteglide CLI - Treatment of Assets Folder in Pull v.s. Deploy
Clarify if Siteglide-CLI command deploy includes CSS and JS files when -w flag is not used. Expected behaviour: Deploy and Pull default without flags should behave the same way when it comes to the assets folder. Actual behaviour: Pull command treats assets like CSS and JS specially and pulls them even if no flags are added. Larger images like images are not pulled without a flag and I think export command. Deploy requires a flag before deploying these same CSS and JS asset types? If this change is not desirable or possible, let's update the docs to make this clear. Otherwise there can be confusion/ ambiguity when using deploy on live sites where Liquid is pushed without necessary changes to JS.
Matt Jones About 1 year ago
Stripe - eCommerce Feature - Ability to add metadata to customer
The ability to set up a payment form to send additional fields to the Stripe customer, - this will allow the Stripe account owner to get more useful reports when making sense of payments in Stripe. The easiest option might be to allow key value pairs to be sent to customer metadata- as this may be the easiest thing to configure?
Matt Jones About 1 year ago
Stripe - eCommerce Feature - Ability to add metadata to customer
The ability to set up a payment form to send additional fields to the Stripe customer, - this will allow the Stripe account owner to get more useful reports when making sense of payments in Stripe. The easiest option might be to allow key value pairs to be sent to customer metadata- as this may be the easiest thing to configure?
Matt Jones About 1 year ago