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Pages - Custom Fields

Page metadata can support nested info, and therefore would be fantastic to have structured data in pages, which would allow clients to easily edit content in a safe CMS based environment without having to go in the visual editor or code, which has caused clients to break layouts in the past, which normally leads us to recommend to clients to not touch pages unless they know what they're doing. As a solution to this, we have often created Webapps with a single item in for the client to mange. Not only does this clutter up Webapps, but it takes the data out of context, and if not properly maintained, can cause fields to be redundant and not used as the site is updated. Structure like this would be fantastic: It would also be a mega bonus to not have the fields named customfield2. It makes things so much harder.

Josh Carter 4 months ago




Siteglide CLI - Treatment of Assets Folder in Pull v.s. Deploy

Clarify if Siteglide-CLI command deploy includes CSS and JS files when -w flag is not used. Expected behaviour: Deploy and Pull default without flags should behave the same way when it comes to the assets folder. Actual behaviour: Pull command treats assets like CSS and JS specially and pulls them even if no flags are added. Larger images like images are not pulled without a flag and I think export command. Deploy requires a flag before deploying these same CSS and JS asset types? If this change is not desirable or possible, let's update the docs to make this clear. Otherwise there can be confusion/ ambiguity when using deploy on live sites where Liquid is pushed without necessary changes to JS.

Matt Jones About 1 year ago

